Thursday, February 16, 2012


The Watcher by Charles Maclean

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I always wonder why I'm in grad school, when I've never really liked classes. Honestly, I hate tests, I can't stand class-time and some of the few moments of unhappiness in my life have occurred performing the busy-work that is HOMEWORK.

I was especially feeling the burn this week, when I got really frustrated with a prof docking a ridiculous number of points on an assignment not for doing anything wrong, but for "lack of detail. When asked, the lack of detail he spoke of was me not repeating facts we had fully established in class. This saddens me. I'm even more saddened by the fact that at the ripe old age of the age I am, I still have to fuss about POINTS on HOMEWORK!!!!!

If all goes well, I'll be done with classes forever come June. Does that mean I can't/shouldn't check out now?

In other news, one of my friends from high school just got engaged. Seems I have to save up for another trip to Malaysia. 2013!!!