Sunday, October 28, 2007


I stage-managed a show over the weekend too. A full week of tech rehearsals and 3 shows because the person they asked couldn't do it. Then, show-time rolls around and I find out that the ushers, who seem incapable of actual ushering, get paid. The lamest job in the entire production is the one paid position!

mmmm, tastes like bitter

Anyway, one of the tech crew asked me to stage-manage his show in December. I think it would be irresponsible of me to say yes. I am here for school after all.


I had visitors for the first time this term; three visitors from the 5 college area. And when they arrived, their friends descended upon my room. It was excellent fun. But it did three things. First, it made me realize how spartan my room is. A friend once told me, never to trust a person with nothing in their dorm rooms. It's a sign of secrets and instability. I am one of those people. But frankly, what can you do? My room would look more lived in if it was more lived in.

Second it made me realize how good friends are. They come and enjoy you and you enjoy them. They will travel for miles just to sit on your floor. They are patient, they are loving and they don't care if you smell bad. And they can last forever, ever changing, ever interesting.

Third, it made me contemplate the etiquette of hosting. I had the time of my life this weekend, but my weekend is all gone now. I had to give up other friends and events and all school work. But it could not have happened any other way. When you have guests, they must receive your full attention. If someone travels to see you, they rightly become the centre of your universe. Now I must put my butt in gear and work like crazy for the next solid 48 hours. But first, dance practice.

Friday, October 26, 2007

persuasion and illusion

While in an interview with another firm I realized that there are so many skills you can cultivate in life. He was telling me about their stellar metorship programme and how they develop the leadership skills of their employees. They teach them how to be organized, how to break down a problem and attack. But then they teach them how to have a presence, how to persuade, how to inspire awe.

You never quite think of these things as things you can learn. You figure, either you are born with them or you are not. And then you figure that those with natural ability will always be better at the game. But how true is this? More imporatantly, which of these skills do I have and which do I lack? In about a year, I will somehow have to persuade leading businesses that they both need and should listen to my advice. I think this is a kind of seduction far beyond my capabilities.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I got a job!!

It turns out, that interview did not go well at all. But my second and third went swimmingly and now I have a job!!!! It is like getting into college early decision again, but better!! Security is a wonderful thing.

All week my friends had been telling me that they were sure I had gotten the job. In part I think it was a defence mechanism - some of them had interviewed too - but now I think I also need to be grateful that I have friends who believe that much in me. At the same time, they might have just wanted to torture me... They knew I didn't want to get my hopes up.

One thing is a bit bizarre though. Right out of under-grad I'll be making more than my Dad. Mind you, my Dad is a surgeon. It just so happens that his job is undervalued and in a third world country while mine is over-valued and in a first world country. Makes you think that something is seriously wrong with a market that would pay me more than him.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

outside consulting

Had my first ever job interview with a consulting firm yesterday. I don't know how it went. There are moments when I feel it went really well, and others when I replay a moment and know it could have gone a lot better. It's the worst kind of self-torture. I guess Nietzsche was right - one of the worst illnesses is the inability to forget. At least the interview was good practice.

But now I have other things to think about. Tonight I'm stage-managing for a show and it is a hot mess. First rehearsal was yesterday night. Last rehearsal this morning. Still haven't seen half the pieces. People are just too damn disorganized and expect other people to save their butts. And its even worse because this is a memorial celebration. Put some effort in.

Someone asked me yesterday why I like stage-managing - it's not as fulfilling as performing after all. But Stage managing is a different kind of creation. Like drawing in water on hot pavement. Like quilting. I'm ok with staying behind the scenes.

Yesterday night I told an old buddy that I'm happy he's my friend. He took that as evidence that I was drunk. We don't say these things often enough.