Saturday, December 15, 2012

Brain Teaser

"Jack is looking at Anne but Anne is looking at George. Jack is married, but George is not. Is a married person looking at an unmarried person? A)Yes, B)No or C)cannot be determined."

courtesy of the Economist here 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The work of consultants

"Of course arrogance, or at least self-assurance, is a consultant’s stock in trade. That’s what we buy when we buy advice: not just the content of it but the authority, even the grandiloquence, with which it’s delivered. We exchange the anxiety of autonomy for the comfort of following orders. "

From here 

Must remember for my work. 

Speaking of which, a former work colleague - currently engaged -  told me today that he used to have a "tiny" crush on me. Well I never...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Seems like...

there is some space in the market for a nursing service.

This is me, feeding that entrepreneurial spirit.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Disowning Those Old Arguments

Weird how family always get stuck in the same rut. I got in an argument with my dad yesterday over nothing. Again.

 With people you've known for so long, it's obvious there will be ups and downs. To have a real relationship with anyone you have to forgive. But what is the mature thing to do when somebody says something that is clearly untrue.... I always did this... I never did that... that never happened...?

 Like on that Christmas dinner, when my dad was showing off to the guests that he never beat his children (a rare thing in Jamaica). Was it wrong of me to correct him?

 "Actually you never beat your son. You beat me all the time."

 "That's because you were bad." He replied.

 An answer like that says that he didn't misremember; he was trying to reinvent and whitewash the past. That, for some reason, gets deep under my skin. And clearly, me correcting him gets under his skin.

This would be easier if I didn't remember. But one of the bad things about journaling your entire life is that you never forget.

 Yesterday's argument wasn't about the beating. It was him asking about if he ever sent me to school without lunch money when I was young. He did. Many times. Once with the advice that I should, "consider it a day of prayer and fasting." But when I said that, the conversation quickly devolved into him accusing me of being ungrateful - him having paid so much for me to go to college and all that - and unappreciative of my privilege. Later, I heard him loudly talking to my mother, saying that I was resentful, psychotic, and needed counseling. That he was never going to give me anything again; he was going to keep his money for himself.

 I know I am privileged. Very much so.

 I also think I just got disowned.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I am

utterly failing at life.

Monday, May 14, 2012



I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Jamaican in China

My brother is over in China for a developing-nation energy seminar thingy right now. He was sent as Jamaica's representative, so I can kind of forgive him for missing my graduation. You can check out his blog at Verdego.

It's kind of cool that China is doing all these things. Of course, people are worried about their intent... pouring money into the Caribbean, Africa, South America.... But you have to appreciate them. They don't come and rape and pillage. They don't come just to take advantage. They come and they build. They transfer knowledge. Their business seems like good business for all.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hate Crime

    •  Below is a facebook conversation with a friend

      Him: oh btw....did i tell you about my beating?
  • Me:
    about an hour ago
    • ?
    • no
  • Him:
    about an hour ago
    • a couple of weeks ago...i was walking back home from a friend's place ...a jumped by 4 white pretty much the shit kicked out of me
    • my shoulder's messed up....doing physical therapy these days
  • about an hour ago
    • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • are you OK...ish?
    • no permanent damage right?
    • did you get a look at them?
    • tell the police?
  • Him:
    about an hour ago

    • yeah....improving... have not been to the gym in a month...
    • not permanent no...hopefully...
    • yeah...they drove by me on my way back....yellled at me ....slowed the car down....i told em to fuck off...they parked the car...ran to me...told me to apologize....and i did...cuz i didnt want trouble....and they said i needed to apologize to them individuallly...i just tried to get out of the way and get home...and got called a brown bastard....and i told em they were being racist....

  • Him: 

    • at which point they decided to fuck me up...i got one guy in the face...but the others wrestled me down and kicked the crap out of me...i was unconscious for a few mins before some people from a frat house across the street came out and helped me up
    • the police
      came*....they took a statement ....and pics and a police report was 
  • Me:
    about an hour ago

    • I think Im going to cry

      Yes, I cried. I can't even articulate how angry, upset and terrified this makes me... on his behalf, on my own behalf. This stuff actually happens. Not just in movies. Not just far away or long ago. But here and now to your family and friends. I can't forget that this happened. I can't for one second forget.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Got my Masters

I am a Master of Science in Mathematics.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Retired confessions

Retiring: "Sometimes I fake emotions. I wonder if they can tell."

Admitting: "I have no plan. I honestly thought life would end before this."

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Here is the Mandate

Yesterday I gave a presentation on John Nash. Apparently he was hired at MIT (not his first choice) back when MIT was not considered such a great research institution. The point being.... MIT later WAS considered a great research institution. When did it make the switch? Maybe MIT was already great back when Nash was just being brought into the fold. MIT's lack of a name didn't prevent it from doing great work, or from being better than other places. Public opinion caught up later.

I've been thinking a lot about brand names, specifically of how going to a great school or being affiliated with an accomplished person or being part of a famous organization really doesn't actual signal anything about your own achievements. I know this is a deeply true fact... having worked for a big named place because it was big named and having it fall really really short. I know this to be true, having found great art and people and academics in the strangest of places.

Right now, I am sitting in the Midwest, about to start my research. My advisor, my schools past and present, my professors, my family, my last name have no say here. It's just me and the Math. I hope and fear that I will be judged by my accomplishments.

I must achieve.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I have a PhD committee!!

I am getting my masters is Mathematics on May 4th. I can't believe it. Yet I look forward.... I am here for a PhD after all. I just got an advisor - a total badass - and a PhD committee. After June I'll be done with all my exams and will start REEEESSSEEEEAAAARRRCH!

I'm excited that I will never have to really care about homework or exams for the rest of my life. I'm terrified that from now on I will be expected to produce original Mathematics. Thus will pass the next 4 years of my life.

Monday, April 9, 2012


My friend, whom I visited in Malaysia last summer... just had a beautiful baby girl. She had been been about 2 weeks pregnant when I was there. It's so great, because, she has a back injury and wondered even back when we were in high school together, whether she could ever carry a child to term without permanently paralysing herself... or worse.


Monday, March 5, 2012

THIS is what I want to do for the summer

I'm trying to figure out what to do for the summer and this article came out today in the Jamaica Observer (national newspaper).

Even the way the article was written speaks to an innumeracy in the both the writer and the audience.

I'm about to have a Masters in Math. I'm passionate about education. I'm willing to learn. I think I can help.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


The Watcher by Charles Maclean

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I always wonder why I'm in grad school, when I've never really liked classes. Honestly, I hate tests, I can't stand class-time and some of the few moments of unhappiness in my life have occurred performing the busy-work that is HOMEWORK.

I was especially feeling the burn this week, when I got really frustrated with a prof docking a ridiculous number of points on an assignment not for doing anything wrong, but for "lack of detail. When asked, the lack of detail he spoke of was me not repeating facts we had fully established in class. This saddens me. I'm even more saddened by the fact that at the ripe old age of the age I am, I still have to fuss about POINTS on HOMEWORK!!!!!

If all goes well, I'll be done with classes forever come June. Does that mean I can't/shouldn't check out now?

In other news, one of my friends from high school just got engaged. Seems I have to save up for another trip to Malaysia. 2013!!!

Monday, January 30, 2012


One of my students sent me an angry email about me giving her 80% for attendance to-date when she's only missed one class. I replied that there have only been 5 classes so far. #thisiswhyweneedmath

In other news... it's in the 60s in Nebraska in January. Clearly these are the end of days.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Math Nerd Time: Mobius transformations

With a little outside the box/dimension thinking, something difficult becomes easy to grasp.... and oh so pretty

Friday, January 20, 2012