Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Human dignity

So the company that hired me sent me what I can only assume is a corporate gift - I never knew what that category included before today. They are awesome people. I got a 'personalized' note from one of the partners and a tin of gourmet cookies. What turned me off, was the fact that the company name was emblazoned on the cookie tin in bright obnoxious letters. Who the flipping hell personalizes cookie tins? These people don't make cookies!!

The answer is clear... people with too much money - which is disheartening and encouraging at the same time. These people have money to waste on undergraduate hirelings when there is so much wrong with the world. Then again, they will be paying ME next year.

This all came to mind as I hauled the cookie tin to my political science class today. We had reading on what constitutes a life worthy of human dignity. Check out Martha Nussbaum if you have the chance. Yeah, I'll have money, but will I be loved? Will I be politically influential so far away from home? Will I have enough education? Ignoring Kant, will I be letting myself be used as a means to an end? Will I be pouring my hours into the capitalist machine instead of building up human relations?

BTW the kid that commented on my last entry is my brother - we all deserve to be recognized.

1 comment:

GL said...

kid to rassclaat.