It's like that British friend of mine. He said that when he is high he loves listening to music because he feels like every song has been written and played just for him.
It's like walking into church late and being greeted with a Homily that speaks to the very problem you were having that week.
It's like today, getting one of those obnoxious cell-phone horoscopes that I don't know how to stop getting and having it say:
"Whatever you do today don't let your temper get the better of you. The biggest problesm will relate to travel complications!"
...just when I'm having a devil of a time planning my trip to NYC tomorrow.
So I stumble onto these lame quotes from Oscar Wilde. And suddenly the trite rings true... so bear with me
"Friendship is far more tragic than love. It lasts longer."
Maybe that's why my friends girlfriend hates me so. Even as I back away and spend less time with him, she seems ever more desperate , because she knows that distance (shockingly) has not affected the depth of our relationship. Maybe if they get married she would finally be secure enough to not be threatened by my harmless existence.
"One should never listen. To listen is a sign of indifference to one's hearers."
When I'm in class I often don't participate... thinking I am granting airtime to others. I am learning from them. I am not boring them with my useless ramblings. But I should be a bit more honest. In part, I just don't want to be there. Maybe I could be teaching someone something....
"It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information."
I really want time to learn the things i want to learn. Not for my job, or my classes, but the things that interest me. My profs say that that's why they become professors - for the research time in the things that they love. But wow, what a journey for something so simple. Maybe I should quit whining and make time.
"Education is an admirable thing. But it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."
AMEN! God, I am so ready to graduate. I suddenly feel the urge to do something big, like these kids I went to school with who are LITERALLY off saving the world... They started a children's home in India. Holy Shit! Look them up, they are called the Ashraya Initiative for Children
that's my little bit of cheese and self indulgence. Hope you enjoyed it.
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