I take issue with the fact that people find it so difficult to be honest with each other. Even worse, is when they can't be honest with each other even when they are honest with themselves. Nevertheless, we must deal with this fact. So I placed an honesty box in my facebook profile where the shy, the confused, the cowards and the secretly supportive can send their anonymous messages to me. It's a little piece of virtual space that somehow empowers people to tell the truth. This was posted in my box at about 3:02 one morning. I assume he was a little drunk.
"A certain secret admirer freshman who is sad to see you leave because he thinks you are pretty sexy and seem to have it going on and if you weren't leaving in a few weeks and he weren't a youngun he'd be asking you out on a date and dear god he hopes your not a lesbian, if you were he'd have no issue of course, especially if you liked both cindys and tommys, but anyhow back on message he just had to let you know what could have been if you weren't a million years older than he and ya know leaning towards soon being in a wheelchair and depends. Your cool, your hot, and you will be missed."
How should I reply?
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